Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Run; 12 slow miles

70 degrees when I started at 8am and 80 degrees at 10am.  I don't know the humidity, but my shirt has never been wetter.  I also never felt so tired, on the last two miles I had to run 1 min and walk 30 sec.  The Gopher to Badger 1/2 Marathon is in two weeks so I'll need to do some experimenting to make sure I'm ready if the humidity is like today.  Maybe some Hammer Endurolytes during the run (which I take before and after, but never during the run).  Maybe some type of sport drink.  I'll have to think about it this week and do a test run next weekend.

Since I am a Hammer fan (and the price was right) I bought a visor to help keep the sweat out of my eyes.  I hope I don't need it, but just in case I'll have it.


  1. What a muggy day Sunday! According to the Lake Elmo Airport readings, the dew point was 70 pretty much all day. The "very uncomfortable" range.

  2. Good idea to experiment before the race. I like your visor!
