Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 13, Grinding it out

Saturday morning I awoke feeling like I was hit by a truck. My upper body ached, like when you get the flu. I hope this is just a 24 hour bug. I was going to run with Don, but didn’t feel like running. It took an hour of stretching just to feel alive. After another hour of stretching and situps/pushups I felt good enough to leave the house.

I went to the Stillwater Library to pick up New Moon, part of the Twilight series. My wife and I watched the first movie last week and enjoyed it so much we are reading the books. I found Freestyle: Made Easy, a DVD by Terry Laughlin the Total Immersion guy. I HIGHLY recommend this for someone wanting to learn better swim technique.

I left the library and slipped on some ice, tweaking my left knee. It was hard to put weight on it and I had a hard time bending it to get into the car. Summary: I ache, my left knee hurts (originally strained Thursday night swimming breaststroke), the top of my right foot hurts from plank pose, and the top of my left foot hurts.

I went to the gym anyway. It was hard to grind out a workout, but I did.

Friday, rest

abs 1 and 2 at home
Bike 10 min at L6
Looseners from ChiRunning
Treadmill; 3 miles total, mixed walk/run
100 swim
100 kick
200 swim
100 kick TI Drills
300 swim
100 kick TI Drills
400 swim
100 kick TI Drills
500 swim
100 kick
2,000 total


  1. Hi Mark,
    I have read the entire Twilight series and loved it!! I saw the first movie and will most likely rent New Moon when it comes out!! My daughter started reading the series and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about:) I finished all of the books before she did. Sorry about the slipping on the ice..take care of that knee:) Good luck on your upcoming workouts!! I hope that you have an excellent week Mark!!

  2. Well, Mark, I hope it cheers you up that you won the 50/50 book over at my blog! Yeah! Email me your address at bethkoetting at yahoo dot com and I will mail it to you ASAP! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well and that you fell down on top of it. I'm not feeling so good myself and thought I would try to swim tomorrow and see how that goes. Congrats on your book win!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog (although it might have been awhle ago, I don't think I've thanked you yet). You are pretty hardcore for swimming, something I'd like to do get a little faster at. I'm stuck in the middle of the pack for triathlons.
